In December 2020, it was announced that the New Test was redesigned to identify the most gifted students.
Why Us

Selective High Schools Placement Test
General Ability > Thinking Skills
According to the NSW Department of Education, thinking skills set the foundation for lifelong learning and support students’ agency and capacity to engage with increasing complexity.
Cambridge Thinking Skills Framework
It focused on academic thinking skills such as problem-solving skills, including numerical reasoning and critical thinking skills, including understanding argument and reasoning using everyday language.
Why Selective Schools?
Selective high schools consistently rank at the top in terms of HSC results. For example, James Ruse Agricultural High School, which is a fully selective school, has ranked NSW’s top HSC school for the 25th year in a row. The aim of selective high schools is to provide a scholastically challenging environment for more academically able students.

What are Opportunity Classes?
Opportunity classes located in government primary schools cater to academically gifted Year 5 and Year 6 students with high potential. These classes help students to learn by grouping them with students of similar ability, using specialized teaching methods and educational materials at the appropriate level.

1,740 vacancies /12,000 applicants
(in 2020)
As the curriculum is compacted, students have the opportunity to accelerate their learning – completing Year 6, 7 and sometimes even Year 9 work while they are still in Year 5 and 6. Thus, the OC class is a great opportunity for gifted students.
Why Trinity Selective Online Trial Tests?
Students can take it at home as if they were taking a real test.

There is no need to check your child’s test time. Each test has a time limit of 40 minutes.
Time Left |
40:00 |
Results will be automatically generated right after the tests. Test Analysis provides Total Data of the tests.

The tips are available for self-evaluation. Students are able to review all questions and answers.

Researchers have found that retesting will improve an individual’s score by 2/3rd of a standard deviation, on average.

Selective Trial Test Package
- 20 x Complete Reading Tests[Download Reading Test – 01] [Answers]
- 20 x Complete Mathematical Reasoning Tests [Download Maths Reasoning-Test01] [Answers]
- 20 x Complete Thinking Skills Tests [Download Thinking Skills – Test01] [Answers]
- Each Test has 30 mins or 40 mins time bound, so students can learn time management
- Expert solution and tips after tests
- Video Lessons
- Unlimited review of all questions
- Re-Test is also available
2,100 questions in total
- Reading – 30 multiple choice questions per test (600 questions in total)
- Mathematical Reasoning – 35 multiple choice questions per test (700 questions in total)
- Thinking Skills – 40 multiple choice questions per test (800 questions in total)
Paper version of the trial test are also available
The components of the online and paper tests are EXACTLY THE SAME. The only difference between the online trial tests and exam pack is the method in which it is delivered